Super Hero's Animal Hydrocephalus Society
2023 Calendar - SALE
- The 2023 SHAHS calendar NOW 21% off.
You will get 12 colorful, photo packed months of all of our current cats plus our special angels!
The cost is $ 28 $22
The web store will automatically calculate your shipping charge when you check out! We will ship internationally.
DO NOT pay on our page through the blue button or PayPal, your order will not be received!
* Please be sure to include “APT, SUITE or BLDG #’s” in your address, or your calendar may be returned, and you will have to pay shipping again for us to resend it!!
Please share our calendar sale with others, this our other big fundraiser for the year! Get a bunch of people in your office or family to order with you! Give one to your own vet or veterinary specialist, and help us spread awareness of hydro in animals!
Thank you for your support!!